How To Get Rid of Dandruff Fast Permanetaly At Home in Winter
Dandruff is a very common problem. More than 50% of people in the world are embarrassed by this flaky and itchy scalp. Dandruff is not a serious problem but sometimes it is difficult to get rid of dandruff. It can be controlled simply by using these effective home remedies.
Youngsters are mostly affected by dandruff. Treating dandruff on time is very important as it can lead to problems like pimples, acne, bumps on the skin, and scalp. There are many reasons for this stubborn dandruff, which are often neglected by us.
Top 9 Reason For Dandruff Causes
Here are some causes of dandruff to help you to avoid itchy and flaky scalp :
1. Oily Skin –
Oily skin is the major reason behind dandruff. Greasy scalp promotes dandruff. Excess of sebum from sebaceous glands leads to dandruff and itchy scalp. Dandruff caused by greasy skin is difficult to treat so it is should not be neglected as it can lead to serious skin problems. You should frequently wash your head and keep your scalp clean. Do not apply a lot of hair oil, instead take a small amount and apply throughout. Always apply good quality hair oils.
2. Shampooing –
Shampooing is another frequent cause of dandruff. Why do we forget that cleaning the scalp is equally important as cleaning the body? You should cleanse your hair with good shampoo at least twice a week or thrice as needed. Remember a lot of shampooing is also not good, take appropriate amount depending upon the length and wash. Always go for chemical-free or herbal shampoos.
3. Dry Skin –
Dry skin also can also be the reason for dandruff. But the flakes are not greasy rather inflammatory. It can lead to redness and itching. Continuous itching can lead to skin damage, which is the most possible cause of dry skin. It can affect the other parts of the body either by falling down or touching your fingers to the scalp and then to your body.
4. Stress –
Stress is another unavoidable reason for dandruff. Stress weakens the body’s defense system, so it is difficult to deal with Malasseziaglobosa and scalp irritation. When you are under stress, you may notice problems like itchy scalp, scalp irritation, dryness, and flakes.
5. Harmful Products –
Exposure to excess harsh products onto hair can cause dandruff. As each of us has a different type of skin and so as the needs are different. You always choose a baby shampoo for a baby according to his/her needs and age. The same way each of us needs the products suitable for our type of skin to avoid allergic reactions.
6. Excess Heat/ Cold –
Too much heat or cold can also have adverse effects on the skin, which can certainly be a reason for dandruff. Direct heat in summer or cold breeze in winter can result in a dry and flaky scalp.
7. Dryers and Straighteners –
The use of Dryers and Straighteners can cause dandruff. The heat generated from these two can lead to mild burns, itchiness, dryness. So it is better to avoid them using frequently especially in winters.
8. Certain Illness –
Illness is another reason for dandruff. Illness weakens your body. When you are ill, you may notice more itching and skin irritation.
9. Fungus –
Fungus leads to sebum production causes dandruff. In this skin cells clump together and form flakes.
Natural Home Remedy To Get Rid Of Dandruff Permanently:
This is one amazing mask for the removal of dandruff.
● Aloe Vera Gel 2tbs
● Lemon 7 - 8 drops
● Apple Cider Vinegar 2tbs
● Anti Lice Shampoo / Head & Shoulder Shampoo 2tbs
Mix all of them well & apply on your Scalp for 25 Minutes & wash your hair with your favourite Shampoo.
1. Lemon contains vitamin C, which affects the growth of hair. It unclogs the pores and makes the scalp healthy.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar is a very helpful remedy in treating dandruff. It maintains the pH balance and has antifungal and antibacterial properties to treat dandruff-causing elements.
3. Aloe Vera Gel contains bio-active compounds such as amino acids and many other antioxidants.These compounds reduce dandruff. Due to the anti-fungal properties, it is the best therapy against dandruff. It also reduces inflammation.